A well designed and stylish gate can set off any property whilst also providing a level of protection which can only reassure property owners that their site is not vulnerable. Here at Adanack we can obviously supply the materials needed to produce a strong and robust gate but can also help you with the design, layout and put you in contact with the right fabricators to provide the frame of your gate. Regardless of whether it is for commercial or residential use, large front gates or smaller side gates we have the experience and knowhow to help you get the right finish, fit and style for your property. Our gates are the perfect solution for your requirements be they aesthetic or security based. To enquire simply get in contact with us and send us on your specifications and we will be only too happy to reveert back to you with our suggestions to give you the gates that meet your ideas.
Timbers We Recommend For Gates
Siberian Larch
European Redwood

Timber Gates

Timber Gates

Timber Gates

Timber Gates
Panels can be a great extra feature which isn't considered as much as it should be for gardens and open spaces. We can custom design your panels to suit your style and budget to achieve a great looking finish that also adds that extra layer of security needed in exposed sections of your property. We can treat your panels to ensure they are protected against rot and decay for many years to come. Our panels are as stylish or as functional as you require them to be and when you have the Adanack design experience at your disposal to guide you in your choices you know you are getting the best solution to complement existing structures or materials. We offer a variety of sizes and timbers in our custom designed panels as well as a wide range of treatment options to apply the perfect long lasting finish to your spaces. Give us a call to find out more!
Channel Siding(Shadow Gap)
Square Edge (Any Timber, Any Size)
Shingles (Cedar)
Tongue & Groove-V-Groove
Adanack Recommended Panel Timbers
Siberian Larch
European Red Wood (Treated Green or Brown)
Irish Larch/Douglas Fir (When Available)
Thermo Wood